208. (P&H HC)
(Reserved on: 25.10.2024 Decided on: 14.11.2024)
A. Railways Act, 1989 (24 of 1989), Section 2(29), 123(c), 124A -- Compensation in railway accident case – Untoward incident -- Strict liability – Negligence of victim – Ground of -- Liability of the Railway Administration is based on the ‘principle of strict liability’ -- Plea of ‘no fault of railways’ or ‘negligence of the victim’ is not available to the Railway Administration.
(Para 15)
B. Railways Act, 1989 (24 of 1989), Section 2(29), 123(c), 124A -- Compensation in railway accident case -- Untoward incident -- Passenger for the purpose of Chapter XIII of the Railways Act does not necessarily mean a passenger as contemplated under Section 2(29) of the 1989 Act -- Passenger shall include: a) a railway servant on duty; b) a person who has purchased a valid ticket for travelling by a train carrying passengers on any date; or c) a valid platform ticket and becomes a victim of an untoward incident -- Definition of ‘passenger’ as appended to Section 124A by explanation is much wider than the definition of ‘passenger’ as provided under Section 2(29) of the 1989 Act.
(Para 15)
C. Railways Act, 1989 (24 of 1989), Section 2(29), 123(c), 124A -- Compensation in railway accident case – Onus to prove -- Once affidavit is filed by the claimant that the victim was travelling on a valid ticket, the initial burden to prove that the victim was a bona fide passenger stands discharged -- Thereafter, it is for the Railways to rebut the same.
(Para 15)
D. Railways Act, 1989 (24 of 1989), Section 2(29), 123(c), 124A -- Compensation in railway accident case – Untoward incident is different from accident -- ‘Untoward incident’ is defined under Section 123(c) of the 1989 Act -- Under five situations as contemplated under proviso appended to Section 124A, the Railway Administration may be absolved of its liability -- Any other situation that does not fall within the ambit of proviso appended to Section 124-A, invites liability of Railway Administration to pay compensation.
(Para 15)
E. Railways Act, 1989 (24 of 1989), Section 2(29), 123(c), 124A -- Railway Accidents and Untoward Incidents (Compensation) Rules, 1990, Schedule -- Compensation in railway accident case – Untoward incident -- Appellant has placed on record the purchase of ticket by him – Initial onus stands discharged, it was thereafter for the railways to prove that the deceased was not a bonafide passenger -- No evidence was led by railways to rebut the evidence of the applicant -- Appellant sustained injuries due to sudden jerk and jolt of the train -- Said situation does not fall within the exceptions as carved out in the proviso appended to Section 124A of the Act – Appeal allowed, accident is of the year 2013, thus, the compensation awarded to the appellant shall be as per Part I of the Schedule appended to the Railway Accident and Untoward Incidents (Compensation) Rules, 1990 prior to amendment dated 1st of January, 2017 i.e. Rs.4.00 lacs along with interest @ 9% per annum payable for the period from the date of application till the date of actual realization.
(Para 16-19)