Latest Important Judgments

303. Secured creditors -- SARFAESI proceedings -- MSME – Rehabilitation of – Non-Performing Assets – Procedure of -- Revival and Rehabilitation of MSMEs -- Section 21 and Section 35A of Banking Regulation Act empower the RBI to frame the policy and give directions to the banking companies in relation to the advances to be followed by the banking companies -- Such directions have got to be read as supplement to the provisions of the Banking Regulation Act and accordingly are required to be construed as having statutory force and mandatory. -- Entire exercise as contained in the “Framework for Revival and Rehabilitation of MSMEs” is required to be carried out by the banking companies before the accounts of MSMEs turn into Non-Performing Asset. -- Whole process of enforcement of security interest as contained in Chapter III of the SARFAESI Act, could be initiated only when the borrower makes any default in repayment of secured debt or any instalment thereof, and his account in respect of such debt is classified by the secured creditor as non-performing asset, in view of Section 13(2) of the said Act. -- Banking companies though may be ‘Secured creditors’ as per the definition contained in Section 2 (zd) of the SARFAESI Act, are bound to follow the same, before classifying the loan account of MSME as NPA. The Instructions/ Directions issued by the Central Government under Section 9 of the MSMED Act and by the RBI under Section 21 and Section 35A have statutory force and are binding to all the Banking companies. (SC) Decided on: 01.08.2024

350. Procedure in criminal cases after BNSS (w.e.f. 01.07.2024): I. The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 stands repealed w.e.f. 01.07.2024. Ergo; no new/fresh appeal or application or revision or petition can be filed under Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 on or after 01.07.2024. II. The provisions of Section 4 and Section 531 of BNSS, 2023 are mandatory in nature as a result whereof any appeal/ application/ revision/ petition/ trial/ inquiry or investigation pending before 01.07.2024 are required to be disposed of, continued, held or made (as the case may be) in accordance with the provisions of Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973. In other words; any appeal/ application/ revision/ petition filed on or after 01.07.2024, is required to be filed/ instituted under the provisions of BNSS, 2023. III. Any appeal/ application/ revision/ petition filed on or after 01.07.2024 under the provisions of Cr.P.C., 1973 is non-maintainable & hence would deserve dismissal/ rejection on this score alone. However, any appeal/ application/ revision/ petition filed upto 30.06.2024 under the provisions of Cr.P.C., 1973 is maintainable in law. To clarify; in case any appeal/ application/ revision/ petition is filed upto 30.06.2024 but there is defect (Registry objections, as referred to in common parlance) and such defect is cured/ removed on or after 01.07.2024, such appeal/ application/ revision/ petition shall be deemed to have been validly filed/ instituted on or after 01.07.2024 and, therefore, would be non- maintainable. IV. Section 531 of BNSS shall apply to "revision", "petition" as also "petition of complaint" (ordinarily referred to as complaint before Magistrate) with the same vigour as it is statutorily mandated to apply to "appeal/ application/ trial/ inquiry or investigation" in terms of Section 531 of BNSS. (P&H HC) Decided on: 11.07.2024