(SC) 11-12-2013
A. Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), Section 25-F – Daily wager worker -- Notice pay – Non-Compliance of – Re-instatement of – Retrenchment of -- When the termination is found to be illegal because of non-payment of retrenchment compensation and notice pay as mandatorily required under Section 25-F of the Industrial Disputes Act, even after reinstatement, it is always open to the management to terminate the services of that employee by paying him the retrenchment compensation – When he cannot claim regularization and he has no right to continue even as a daily wage worker, no useful purpose is going to be served in reinstating such a workman and he can be given monetary compensation by the Court itself inasmuch as if he is terminated again after reinstatement, he would receive monetary compensation only in the form of retrenchment compensation and notice pay -- In such a situation, giving the relief of reinstatement, that too after a long gap, would not serve any purpose.
(Para 24)
B. Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), Section 25-F – Unfair labour practice – Violation of Principle of last come first go – Junior regularised – Termination of daily wager worker – Reinstatement of worker – Right of -- In such circumstances, the terminated worker should not be denied reinstatement unless there are some other weighty reasons for adopting the course of grant of compensation instead of reinstatement -- In such cases, reinstatement should be the rule and only in exceptional cases for the reasons stated to be in writing, such a relief can be denied.
(Para 25)
C. Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), Section 25-F – Termination took place more than 11 years ago -- No direct evidence for working 15 years has been furnished and most of his documents are relatable to two years i.e. 2001 and 2002 -- Need of lineman in the telephone department is drastically reduced after the advancement of technology – End of justice would be met by granting compensation in lieu of reinstatement – Compensation of Rs. 3 lakhs granted.
(Para 26)