(P&H HC) 31-10-2022
A. Haryana Village Common Lands (Regulation) Act, 1961 (18 of 1961), Section 2(g), 7 -- Shamilat deh – Eviction of unauthorised occupant – Destructive stands -- Two stands are mutually destructive inasmuch as, on one hand, the petitioner is claiming ownership of the land in question and at the same time, he is seeking protection of his possession as a “tenant” -- Mutually destructive stands are not permissible in law.
(Para 16)
B. Haryana Village Common Lands (Regulation) Act, 1961 (18 of 1961), Section 2(g), 7 – Haryana Village Common Lands (Regulation) Rules, 1964, Rule 19 -- Shamilat deh – Vesting of -- No document to substantiate plea that petitioner is a tenant under the Gram Panchayat – Still further, petitioner has not challenged the judgment and decree passed by the learned Civil Judge, findings have been returned that though the suit property is the ownership of the Gram Panchayat but the same is possessed by the plaintiff -- In view of the facts & circumstances and also the provisions contained in Section 7 read with Section 2(g) of the Act, 1961 and Rule 19 of the Rules, 1964; the land in dispute vests with the Gram Panchayat.
(Para 17-21)
C. Haryana Village Common Lands (Regulation) Act, 1961 (18 of 1961), Section 2(g) – Shamilat deh -- Jumla Malkan Wa Digar Haqdaran Arazi Hassab Rasad -- Jumla Malkan -- Mushtarka Malkan – Explanation appended to sub Section 6 of Section 2(g) of the Act, 1961 clearly states that the lands entered in the column of ownership of record of rights as “Jumla Malkan Wa Digar Haqdaran Arazi Hassab Rasad”, “Jumla Malkan” or “Mushtarka Malkan” shall be shamilat deh within the meaning of this section.
(Para 22)
D. Haryana Village Common Lands (Regulation) Act, 1961 (18 of 1961), Section 2(g), 7 -- Shamilat deh -- Eviction proceedings – Res-judicata -- It is well settled that the proceedings u/s 7 of the Act, 1961 are summary in nature and the principles of res judicata are not attracted thereto.
(Para 25)
E. Haryana Village Common Lands (Regulation) Act, 1961 (18 of 1961), Section 7(2) – Shamilat deh – Eviction of Unauthorised occupant – Penalty -- Since the petitioner had continued in illegal and unauthorised possession of the land in dispute measuring198 Kanals - 2 Marlas, the penalty @ 1% of the Collector rate of the land per acre per annum, as provided under Section 7(2) of the Act, 1961, upon the petitioner imposed w.e.f. the date of filing of the eviction petition up to the date of taking over the possession of the land in dispute from the petitioner -- DDPO to determine the total amount of penalty in terms of Section 7(2) of the Act, 1961 and shall ensure that the said penalty amount does not exceed 10% of the current Collector rate on the date when the said amount is deposited in terms of Section 7(2) of the Act, 1961.
(Para 34-36)