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153. (P&H HC) 14-02-2023

A. Punjab Village Common Lands (Regulation) Act, 1961 (18 of 1961), Section 2(g)(i), 4(3)(ii) -- Shamilat deh – Brani first -- Gair dakhilkar  -- Gair marusi -- Vesting in Panchayat – More than 12 years cultivable possession immediately preceding to the commencement of the Act  -- Ground of – Jamabandi of 1939-40, in ownership column-Shamlat deh, in cultivation column-name of the father of the petitioners as gair dakhilkar and in the column of area and kind of land, it is recorded as brani first – Simpliciter the “shamlat deh” as per Section 2(g)(i) falls in the inclusionary clause, brani first is non cultivatable land, petitioners cannot claim that their father was in cultivating possession in the year 1939-40 -- In the name of cultivator, name entered as gair marusi, meaning thereby he is 'non occupant tenant' -- Collective reading of the entries makes it clear that the land falls within the ambit of 'Shamlat Deh' – Contention that, by the dint of provisions of Section 4(3)(ii) of the Act, the land saved from vestment in the Panchayat, is not tenable.

(Para 7)

B. Punjab Village Common Lands (Regulation) Act, 1961 (18 of 1961), Section 2(g)(i), 4(3)(ii), 7, 11 – Shamilat deh – Vesting in Panchayat – Civil Court order – Effect of – Civil Court order that the father of the petitioners shown to have been in possession of the disputed land for more than 12 years and in view of Section 4(3)(ii) of the Act, the suit land does not vest with Panchayat – Held, this order is of no consequence, as it has not been passed by the competent authority exercising the powers under the Act because no petition has been filed either u/s 7 or 11 of the Act.

(Para 8)

C. Punjab Village Common Lands (Regulation) Act, 1961 (18 of 1961), Section 2(g)(i), 4(3)(ii) – Shamilat deh – Cultivation possession -- Banjar Kadim -- If a land remains uncultivated for a successive period of 8 harvest then the same is recorded as banjar kadim -- In the jamabandis for the year 1939-40 and 1943-44, the nature of the land is recorded as banjar kadim -- This dislodges the stand of the petitioners that they or their fore-fathers were in cultivating possession – Petitioners failed to prove that they were in cultivating possession of Shamlat Deh for more than 12 years immediately preceding the commencement of this Act, rather, the revenue records with which presumption of truth is attached speaks otherwise, and, the land clearly falls within the inclusionary clause of Shamlat Deh, and, therefore, by the dint of provisions of Section 4(1) of the Act, the land vests in the respondent-Gram Panchayat.

(Para 8)

160. (SC) 31-01-2023

A. Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (V of 1908), Section 149 – Court Fees Act, 1870 (7 of 1870), Section 4 – Limitation Act, 1963 (36 of 1963), Section 5 -- Delay in appeal – Condonation of delay – Insufficient funds for court fee – Ground of -- Application for condonation of delay dismissed as insufficient funds could not have been a sufficient ground for condonation of delay -- It would have been entirely a different matter had the appellant filed an appeal in terms of Section 149 CPC and thereafter removed the defects by paying deficit court fees.

(Para 9)

B. Specific Relief Act, 1963 (47 of 1963), Section 16 -- Himachal Pradesh Tenancy and Land Reforms Act, 1972 (8 of 1974), Section 2(4), 118 – Sale of agricultural land in Himachal Pradesh -- Private company is not an ‘agriculturist’ -- Approval was not given by the State Government and then the Company assigned his right to the plaintiff who thereafter filed the suit for specific performance -- No specific clause in the “Agreement to Sell”, which says that in case the purchaser fails to obtain required permission from the State Government, it could assign its rights to an agriculturist of Himachal Pradesh and the seller therefore would not have any objection in executing the Sale deed in favour of such an assignee -- No question of granting a decree of Specific Performance in favour of the plaintiff – Dismissal of suit upheld.

(Para 11-16)

C. Himachal Pradesh Tenancy and Land Reforms Act, 1972 (8 of 1974), Section 118 -- Sale of agricultural land in Himachal Pradesh -- Whole purpose of Section 118 of the 1972 Act is to protect agriculturists with small holdings -- Land in Himachal Pradesh cannot be transferred to a non-agriculturist, and this is with a purpose to save the small agricultural holding of poor persons and also to check the rampant conversion of agricultural land for non-agricultural purposes.

(Para 17)

173. (P&H HC) 07-12-2022

A. Punjab Land Records Manual, Para 9.9 -- Jamabandi entry – Change in -- Land in question earmarked for Bazigar community -- Jamabandi for the year 1966-1967, reflected it as “Gair Mumkin Ababdi Makbooja Bazigar” -- Same entry in the jamabandi for the year 1986-1987 – Later in jamabandi for the year 2006-07, without there being any order passed by any of the competent authority/Court, the said entry has been changed to “Gair Mumkin Plot” -- Para 9.9 of the Punjab Land Records Manual that enjoins the revenue authorities to issue notice to all concerned before carrying out any change in the revenue entries -- Change made in the revenue entries in favour of Gram Panchayat was bad in law being in violation of the procedure laid down under Para 9.9 of the Punjab Land Records Manual of granting opportunity or putting to notice to all concerned and affected.

(Para 9, 10)

B. Punjab Land Records Manual, Para 9.9 – Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (V of 1908), Section 9 -- Jurisdiction of the Civil Court -- Once the change in entries from “Gair Mumkin Abadi Makbooja” to “Gair Mumkin Plot” have been found to be illegal and bad in law being in violation of the procedure laid down for the said purpose, no question of title was involved in the dispute, thereby creating a bar of jurisdiction with the civil Court -- Once respondents No.1 to 7 have been proved and found to be members of Bazigar community, there was no legal impediment for them to have filed suit for possession regarding the property earmarked for the common purposes of benefit of their entire community.

(Para 11-13)

194. (P&H HC) 31-10-2022

A. Haryana Village Common Lands (Regulation) Act, 1961 (18 of 1961), Section 2(g), 7 -- Shamilat deh – Eviction of unauthorised occupant – Destructive stands -- Two stands are mutually destructive inasmuch as, on one hand, the petitioner is claiming ownership of the land in question and at the same time, he is seeking protection of his possession as a “tenant” -- Mutually destructive stands are not permissible in law.

(Para 16)

B. Haryana Village Common Lands (Regulation) Act, 1961 (18 of 1961), Section 2(g), 7 – Haryana Village Common Lands (Regulation) Rules, 1964, Rule 19 -- Shamilat deh – Vesting of -- No document to substantiate plea that petitioner is a tenant under the Gram Panchayat – Still further, petitioner has not challenged the judgment and decree passed by the learned Civil Judge, findings have been returned that though the suit property is the ownership of the Gram Panchayat but the same is possessed by the plaintiff -- In view of the facts & circumstances and also the provisions contained in Section 7 read with Section 2(g) of the Act, 1961 and Rule 19 of the Rules, 1964; the land in dispute vests with the Gram Panchayat.

(Para 17-21)

C. Haryana Village Common Lands (Regulation) Act, 1961 (18 of 1961), Section 2(g) – Shamilat deh -- Jumla Malkan Wa Digar Haqdaran Arazi Hassab Rasad -- Jumla Malkan -- Mushtarka Malkan – Explanation appended to sub Section 6 of Section 2(g) of the Act, 1961 clearly states that the lands entered in the column of ownership of record of rights as “Jumla Malkan Wa Digar Haqdaran Arazi Hassab Rasad”, “Jumla Malkan” or “Mushtarka Malkan” shall be shamilat deh within the meaning of this section.

(Para 22)

D. Haryana Village Common Lands (Regulation) Act, 1961 (18 of 1961), Section 2(g), 7 -- Shamilat deh -- Eviction proceedings – Res-judicata -- It is well settled that the proceedings u/s 7 of the Act, 1961 are summary in nature and the principles of res judicata are not attracted thereto.

(Para 25)

E. Haryana Village Common Lands (Regulation) Act, 1961 (18 of 1961), Section 7(2) – Shamilat deh – Eviction of Unauthorised occupant – Penalty -- Since the petitioner had continued in illegal and unauthorised possession of the land in dispute measuring198 Kanals - 2 Marlas, the penalty @ 1% of the Collector rate of the land per acre per annum, as provided under Section 7(2) of the Act, 1961, upon the petitioner imposed w.e.f. the date of filing of the eviction petition up to the date of taking over the possession of the land in dispute from the petitioner -- DDPO to determine the total amount of penalty in terms of Section 7(2) of the Act, 1961 and shall ensure that the said penalty amount does not exceed 10% of the current Collector rate on the date when the said amount is deposited in terms of Section 7(2) of the Act, 1961.

(Para 34-36)

199. (P&H HC) 14-10-2022

A. Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (V of 1908), Section 9 -- Multiple cause of action – Civil suit – Limitation -- Suit can be filed within three years from the accrual of the initial cause of action, however, any successive violation of rights after institution of the suit would not give fresh cause of action to file a suit -- If the suit is based on multiple causes of action, the period of limitation would commence from the date when the right to sue first accrued.

(Para 13)

B. East Punjab Holdings (Consolidation and Prevention of Fragmentation) Act, 1948 (50 of 1948), Section 44 -- Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (V of 1908), Section 9 – Consolidation proceedings -- Jurisdiction of civil court -- Consolidation Authorities allotted 15 kanal 5 marla land of lesser value to the defendant as per his entitlement in lieu of 7 kanal 12 marla of standard land during consolidation -- Plaintiff till date has not challenged the order of Consolidation Authorities -- In case, the plaintiff was aggrieved by any such order, he should have challenged it before the authorities empowered under the Consolidation Act, which admittedly was not done -- Jurisdiction of the Civil Court barred -- Civil Court cannot derive jurisdiction beyond the statute by merely giving it a colour for a suit of declaration.

(Para 15)

C. Haryana Land Revenue Act, 1887 (XVII of 1887), Section 34, 44 -- Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (V of 1908), Section 9 -- Mutation – Jurisdiction of civil Court -- Mutation is only entered to update the revenue records and it not being a document of title does not confer any right on any person whatsoever -- Correctness of mutation cannot be challenged by plaintiff in a civil suit.

(Para 16)

D. Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (V of 1908), Section 9 -- Specific Relief Act, 1963 (47 of 1963), Section 34 -- Maintainability of suit for simplicitor declaration -- If the plaintiff is not in possession of the suit land, he cannot file a simpliciter suit for declaration and injunction without claiming possession thereof.

(Para 20)