(P&H HC) 17-03-2023
A. East Punjab Holdings (Consolidation and Prevention of Fragmentation) Act, 1948 (50 of 1948), Section 18, 22, 23-A – Haryana Village Common Lands (Regulation) Act, 1961 (18 of 1961), Section 2(g)(iii)(iv), 2(g)(6) (as amended by Haryana Act No. 9 of 1992) – Punjab Village Common Lands (Regulation) Act, 1961 (18 of 1961), Section 2(g)(iii)(iv) -- Punjab Village Common Lands (Regulation) Act, 1953, (1 of 1954) -- Shamilat deh – Exclusion from -- Common purposes land -- Jumla Malkan Wa Digar Haqdaran Arazi Hassab Rasad, Jumla Malkan – Vesting of -- Harmonious construction :
“Question : As to whether the verdict pronounced by the Hon'ble Apex Court in case “The State of Haryana through Secretary to Govt. of Haryana Vs. Jai Singh and Others”, verdict whereof, became rendered in Civil Appeal No.6990* of 2014, can be assigned retrospective effect, inasmuch as, even to those lands which were otherwise saved from vestment under the previous Acts respectively nomenclatured as “The Punjab Village Common Lands (Regulation) Act, 1961” as well as “The Punjab Village Common Lands (Regulation) Act, 1953”.
*State of Haryana Vs. Jai Singh and Others, 2022 AIR (SC ) 1718 = 2022(1) L.A.R. 1 = (2022) Law Today Live Doc. Id. 16887
-- If the lands, ear-marked for ‘common purposes’ recorded as Jumla Malkan Wa Digar Haqdaran Arazi Hassab Rasad, Jumla Malkan, were reserved by the Consolidation Officer for ‘common purposes’ u/s 18 of the 1948 Act, and if these lands did not revert back to the proprietors, before 11.02.1992, and the management and control thereof had already got vested in the Gram Panchayat u/s 23-A of the 1948 Act, then by virtue of Haryana Act 9 of 1992, the ownership and title of such lands gets vested in the Gram Panchayats.
-- where the lands which were at one point of time proposed to be meant for ‘common purposes’ at the time of consolidation or thereafter before 11.02.1992, rather were returned to the proprietors and were never reserved or ear-marked for common purposes, then such lands did not come under the management and control of the Gram Panchayats and ownership and title of such lands remained unaffected by Haryana Act 9 of 1992.
-- where the lands, though were kept for ‘common purposes’ under the Consolidation Scheme, but subsequently on account of any lis between the proprietors and the Gram panchayats, such lands had been partitioned amongst the proprietors and they continued to be recorded as owners in possession for decades, thus, also the management and control of such lands cannot be stated to have vested in the Gram Panchayat -- Clause (6) added by Haryana Act 9 of 1992 will remain inapplicable qua these lands also.
– lands which stood excluded from the definition of Shamlat Deh under the unamended Act i.e. Clause (iii) or (iv) of the Exclusion Clause contained in Section 2(g) of the 1961 Act, these factual issues can be determined only by a competent Court of jurisdiction.
-- if a proprietor is able to show that the land owned by him falls within any of these Exclusion Clauses, he is entitled to be protected from the wrath of the Haryana Act 9 of 1992 -- Haryana Act No. 9 of 1992 does not erode the efficacy or workability of the relevant exclusionary clause(s).
-- executive fiat cannot be pressed into aid by the State to annul such judicial or quasi-judicial orders and to transfer ownership of lands with a stroke of pen after decades.
-- once a Consolidation Officer causes to prepare a new Record of Rights and pursuant thereto, entries in the revenue records are made, such entries shall carry a presumption of truth in respect of ownership and possessory rights of the land -- Such lands where ownership and possessory rights have been duly recorded u/s 22 of the Act, shall fall outside the purview of Section 18 read with Section 23-A of the 1948 Act and as a necessary corollary, these lands cannot be subject matter of inclusion of Shamlat Deh in Clause (6) of Section 2(g) of 1961 Act.
(Para 35-40)
B. East Punjab Holdings (Consolidation and Prevention of Fragmentation) Act, 1948 (50 of 1948), Section 18, 22, 23-A – Haryana Village Common Lands (Regulation) Act, 1961 (18 of 1961), Section 2(g)(iii)(iv), 2(g)(6) (as amended by Haryana Act No. 9 of 1992) – Punjab Village Common Lands (Regulation) Act, 1961 (18 of 1961), Section 2(g)(iii)(iv) -- Punjab Village Common Lands (Regulation) Act, 1953, (1 of 1954) -- Punjab Land Revenue Act, 1887 (XVII of 1887), Section 32 – Transfer of Property Act, 1882 (4 of 1882), Section 41 -- Shamilat deh – Exclusion from – Subsequent purchaser – Ostensible owner – Record of Rights prepared u/s Section 22 of the 1948 Act, read with Section 32 of 1887 Act were the bench-mark to determine whether the transferee or the subsequent vendee acted with due diligence -- After having verified that the vendor was recorded to be owner in possession of land for decades, such vendee entered into a bona-fide sale transaction, it shall get due protection of Section 41 of the Transfer of Properties Act -- The fact as to whether there was no due diligence or whether the transfer of title suffers from any type of imperfection, is an onus which lies on the Gram Panchayat or the Municipality, for which they are required to approach the Civil Court of appropriate jurisdiction.
(Para 43)
C East Punjab Holdings (Consolidation and Prevention of Fragmentation) Act, 1948 (50 of 1948), Section 18, 22, 23-A – Haryana Village Common Lands (Regulation) Act, 1961 (18 of 1961), Section 2(g)(iii)(iv), 2(g)(6) (as amended by Haryana Act No. 9 of 1992), 5-B – Shamilat deh – Exclusion from -- Common purposes land -- Jumla Malkan Wa Digar Haqdaran Arazi Hassab Rasad, Jumla Malkan – Sale transaction – Effect of :
Question : “whether in the wake of the assented to amendment, made by the Haryana State Legislative Assembly, wherethrough, Section 5-B became incorporated in the Haryana Village Common Land (Regulation) Act, 1961, does or does not, cover the sale transaction which occurred prior thereto, and, especially when such issue was not under consideration before the Hon'ble Supreme Court in Jai Singh's case (Supra)*, besides especially also when it has not been assigned any retrospective effect.”
*State of Haryana Vs. Jai Singh and Others, 2022 AIR (SC ) 1718 = 2022(1) L.A.R. 1 = (2022) Law Today Live Doc. Id. 16887
-- Section 5-B will be applicable only when it is proved before a competent court of law that the land was actually Shamlat Deh and hence the conveyance deed in relation thereto should be declared inoperative -- Determination of title of land as to whether or not it is Shamlat Deh through proceedings before a court of competent jurisdiction and in accordance with the principles of natural justice is a sine-qua-non for invoking the powers under Section 5-B of the 1961 Act.
(Para 45)
D. Punjab Village Common Lands (Regulation) Act, 1961 (18 of 1961), Section 2(g) -- East Punjab Holdings (Consolidation and Prevention of Fragmentation) Act, 1948 (50 of 1948), Section 42-A (inserted vide Punjab Act No. 6 of 2007) – Shamilat deh – Common purpose land – Jai Singh's case* is equally binding on the State of Punjab, the mechanism to implement the said Judgment in both the States therefore, requires commonality -- Section 42-A of the 1948 Act provide that the land reserved for ‘common purposes’ whether specified in the Consolidation Scheme or not shall not be partitioned amongst the proprietors of the Village and it shall be utilized and continue to be utilized for ‘common purposes’ -- Above provision came to be inserted vide Punjab Act No. 6 of 2007 in the 1948 Act and has to apply prospectively -- Thus, the natural consequence thereof would be that the lands which already stand partitioned/re-distributed amongst the proprietors prior to Punjab Act No. 6 of 2007, would not get affected and the orders passed by competent Courts of Jurisdiction under which the said partition/re-distribution has been made, cannot be eroded through recourse to the said insertion.
*State of Haryana Vs. Jai Singh and Others, 2022 AIR (SC ) 1718 = 2022(1) L.A.R. 1 = (2022) Law Today Live Doc. Id. 16887
(Para 48)
E. East Punjab Holdings (Consolidation and Prevention of Fragmentation) Act, 1948 (50 of 1948), Section 18, 22, 23-A, 42-A (inserted vide Punjab Act No. 6 of 2007) – Haryana Village Common Lands (Regulation) Act, 1961 (18 of 1961), Section 2(g)(iii)(iv), 2(g)(6) (as amended by Haryana Act No. 9 of 1992), 5-B – Punjab Village Common Lands (Regulation) Act, 1961 (18 of 1961), Section 2(g)(iii)(iv) -- Punjab Village Common Lands (Regulation) Act, 1953, (1 of 1954) -- Constitution of India, Article 31A, 300A -- Shamilat deh – Exclusion from -- Common purposes land -- Jumla Malkan Wa Digar Haqdaran Arazi Hassab Rasad, Jumla Malkan – Vesting of –
(i) Executive Instructions dated 21.06.2022 and 18.08.2022 issued by the State of Haryana and dated 11.10.2022 issued by the State of Punjab whereby ownership rights of the lands in question are sought to be transferred in favour of the Gram Panchayat/Municipalities, through Executive fiat, are held to be contrary to the very scheme of the Statute and are hereby quashed, particularly in view of the fact that these executive instructions cannot result into arbitrary cancellation of valid title over the properties.
(ii) Accordingly, the States of Haryana as well as Punjab shall give effect to the Judgment of the Hon'ble Supreme Court in Jai Singh's case (supra)* in the following manner:-
*State of Haryana Vs. Jai Singh and Others, 2022 AIR (SC ) 1718 = 2022(1) L.A.R. 1 = (2022) Law Today Live Doc. Id. 16887
(a) Where the lands continue to be shown as reserved for ‘common purposes’, whether utilized or unutilized, the ownership of such land shall vest in the Gram Panchayat or the Municipalities, as the case may be.
(b) However, if the lands which were proposed or shown to be reserved for common purposes have been partitioned, amongst the proprietors or redistributed amongst them, under the Consolidation Scheme, such lands are held to have never come under the management and control of the Gram Panchayats and, thus, ownership in relation thereto does not vest in the Gram Panchayats by virtue of the provisions, like Haryana Act 9 of 1992. Conspicuously, also given that the Punjab Act No. 6 of 2007 as relates to the 1948 Act, rather has only prospective effect, and, it does not erode the validly made orders either by the jurisdictionally competent Courts, and, or by the empowered revenue authorities whereby partitions and re-distribution of lands are made, may be even from the common pool.
(c) The Gram Panchayat or the Municipality shall be at liberty to approach the competent Court of law for vesting of ownership rights in them in respect of the lands where there is serious dispute as to whether the same had been reserved for common purposes and/or were never distributed/ returned amongst the proprietors through an order of a competent court or of any competent statutory authority.
(d) where there is no dispute in respect of lands reserved for common purposes and the management and control whereof had been transferred to the Gram Panchayat under Section 23-A of the 1948 Act, ownership of such lands shall vest in the Gram Panchayat/Municipality in view of the fact that provisions like Haryana Act 9 of 1992 have been declared intra vires by the Hon'ble Supreme Court in Jai Singh's Case;
(e) In the case of lands which at one point of time were shown or proposed to be reserved for common purposes but have been returned/ re-distributed amongst the proprietors under the orders of the Revenue Court/ Consolidation Officer and when ‘management’ or ‘control’ of lands was never transferred to the Gram Panchayats under Section 23-A of the 1948 Act, such lands also cannot be automatically presumed to have vested in Gram Panchayats or Municipalities;
(f) Where lands falling in the categories as illustrated in direction No.(b) and (e) above, have been sold/re-sold to bonafide purchasers after due diligence and for valuable consideration, the title or possessory rights of such bona-fide purchasers shall remain unaffected, save and except, when the sale deeds in their favour are set aside by the courts of competent jurisdiction.
Impugned notifications/instructions, as respectively made by the State of Haryana, and, by the State of Punjab, are to the extent that are militative, to the prospective assignments of force, by this court, to the Haryana Amending Act, 1992, the Punjab Amending Act, 2022, and, to the Punjab Act No. 6 of 2007, are quashed and set aside, on the above, and, the hereinafter mentioned five counts, and, shall henceforth have no force and operation.
i) They are in breach to the mandate of the judgment made by the Hon'ble Apex Court in Jai Singh's case (supra), whereby only a very limited retrospectivity is assigned to the amended provisions (supra).
ii) They are ultra vires the rules of natural justice.
iii) They are ultra vires the lawfully made assignment(s) to the assignees concerned, hence by any empowered revenue officer.
iv) That when they assign untenable retrospectivity, to the amended provisions, but yet they do not make any contemplations qua payments of compensation to the land owners concerned. Thus, they are quashed and set aside.
v) They are ultra vires the constitutional right of property, as enshrined in Article 31A, and, in Article 300 A of the Constitution of India.
(Para 50-51)