Search By Topic: Hindu Law

3. (SC) 10-01-2025

A. Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974), Section 125 (4) -- Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 (25 of 1955), Section 9 – Maintenance to wife -- Decree of restitution of conjugal rights – Effect of -- Mere passing of a decree for restitution of conjugal rights at the husband’s behest and non-compliance therewith by the wife would not, by itself, be sufficient to attract the disqualification under Section 125(4) Cr.P.C -- It would depend on the facts of the individual case and it would have to be decided, on the strength of the material and evidence available, whether the wife still had valid and sufficient reason to refuse to live with her husband, despite such a decree.

(Para 29)

B. Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974), Section 125 (4) -- Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 (25 of 1955), Section 9 – Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam, 2023 (47 of 2023), Section 34, 35, 36, 37 – Indian Evidence Act, 1872 (1 of 1872), Section 40, 41, 42, 43 -- Maintenance to wife -- Decree of restitution of conjugal rights – Effect of -- Contention that the findings in the judgment for restitution of conjugal rights by the Family Court, being a Civil Court, would be binding on the Court seized of the petition u/s 125 Cr.P.C, as they are to be treated as criminal proceedings – Held, even if non-compliance with an order for payment of maintenance entails penal consequences, as may other decrees of a Civil Court, such proceedings would not qualify as or become criminal proceedings.

-- Section 41 of Evidence Act specifically deals with instances where an earlier judgment, order or decree constitutes conclusive proof whereas Section 42 provides that an earlier judgment is relevant if it relates to matters of public nature relevant to the inquiry, but such judgments, orders or decrees are not conclusive proof of that which they state.

-- Two proceedings are altogether independent and are not directly or even indirectly connected, in the sense that proceedings u/s 125 Cr.P.C. do not arise from proceedings for restitution of conjugal rights.

(Para 30-34)

C. Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974), Section 125 (1) -- Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 (25 of 1955), Section 9, 13 – Maintenance to wife -- Decree of restitution of conjugal rights – Effect of -- A wife, who suffered a decree of divorce on the ground of deserting her husband, would not be entitled to maintenance u/s 125 Cr.P.C. as long as the marriage subsisted, but she would be entitled to such maintenance once she attained the status of a divorced wife, in the light of the definition of a ‘wife’ in Explanation (b) to Section 125(1) Cr.P.C. Rohtash Singh’s case (2000) 3 SCC 180, relied.

(Para 38)

26. (P&H HC) 12-07-2024

A. Hindu Succession Act, 1956 (30 of 1956), Section 6, 8 -- Coparcenary property -- Mutation was sanctioned in accordance with Section 8 of the Hindu Succession Act, 1956 -- The property can no longer be claimed to be a coparcenary.

(Para 4.5)

B. Indian Succession Act, 1925 (39 of 1925), Section 63 – Drafting of Will -- Attestation of Will – Presence of witnesses – Knowledge of contents – Requirement of -- Will is required to be executed in the presence of witnesses or they should receive acknowledgment from the testator that he has signed it.

-- Drafting of the Will and the typing of the Will in the presence of witnesses is not necessary.

-- Will shall be attested by two or more witnesses, each of whom has either seen the testator’s sign or affixed his mark to the Will or has received acknowledgment from the testator that he has signed the Will.

-- Both the witnesses are not required to be simultaneously present at one place.

-- Witnesses are not required to know the contents of the Will -- They are required to attest the signatures of the testator.

(Para 4.17)

C. Hindu Succession Act, 1956 (30 of 1956), Section 6, 8 -- Coparcenary property – The property not come through male lineal descendants -- In between, there was a civil court decree, transfer deed of some property – The Property was inherited u/s 8 of the Hindu Succession Act, 1956 and not as a coparcenary property – The property received from different sources including ownership by way of adverse possession as well as receipt of the property from aunt – Held, the property is not coparcenary.

(Para 4.21, 4.22)

29. (SC) 03-05-2024

A. Constitution of India, Article 226 -- Guardians and Wards Act, 1890 (8 of 1890), Section 25 -- Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956 (32 of 1956), Section 6 -- Custody of child -- Writ of Habeas Corpus – Maintainability of -- Habeas corpus is a prerogative writ which is an extraordinary remedy -- Recourse to such a remedy should not be permitted unless the ordinary remedy provided by the law is either not available or is ineffective -- In child custody matters, the power of the High Court in granting the writ is qualified only in cases where the detention of a minor by a person who is not entitled to his legal custody -- In child custody matters, the writ of habeas corpus is maintainable where it is proved that the detention of a minor child by a parent or others was illegal and without any authority of law -- There are significant differences between the enquiry under the Guardians and Wards Act and the exercise of powers by a writ court which is summary in nature -- What is important is the welfare of the child -- Where the court is of the view that a detailed enquiry is required, the court may decline to exercise the extraordinary jurisdiction and direct the parties to approach the civil court -- No hard and fast rule can be laid down insofar as the maintainability of a habeas corpus petition in the matters of custody of a minor child – It will depend on the facts and circumstances of each case.

(Para 16)

B. Constitution of India, Article 226 -- Guardians and Wards Act, 1890 (8 of 1890), Section 25 -- Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956 (32 of 1956), Section 6 -- Custody of child -- Writ of Habeas Corpus – It is not a case that the appellant-grandmother had illegally kept the custody of the minor child -- It is the respondent-father who had placed the custody of the minor child with the appellant-grandmother -- High Court ought not to have entertained the habeas corpus petition under Article 226 of the Constitution of India -- Compelling a minor child at the tender age of 7 years to withdraw from the custody of his grandparents with whom he has been living for the last about 5 years may cause psychological disturbances – Paramount interest of the welfare of the minor child would be required to be done -- Such an exercise would not be permissible in the extraordinary jurisdiction under Article 226 of the Constitution of India – Order of High Court set aside.

(Para 18-23)

30. (SC) 19-04-2024

A. Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 (25 of 1955), Section 7 – Ceremonies of Hindu marriage -- Saptapadi -- Marriage certificate -- The word “solemnised” means to perform the marriage with ceremonies in proper form -- Unless and until the marriage is performed with appropriate ceremonies and in due form, it cannot be said to be “solemnised” -- Requisite ceremonies for the solemnisation of the Hindu marriage must be in accordance with the applicable customs or usage and where saptapadi has been adopted, the marriage becomes complete and binding when the seventh step is taken -- Unless the parties have undergone such ceremony, there would be no Hindu marriage according to Section 7 of the Act  -- Mere issuance of a certificate by an entity in the absence of the requisite ceremonies having been performed, would neither confirm any marital status to the parties nor establish a marriage under Hindu law.

(Para 16)

B. Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 (25 of 1955), Section 7 -- Ceremonies of Hindu marriage – Marriage certificate – Contents of -- Marriage certificate states that ‘marriage’ between the parties has been solemnised according to Hindu Vedic rites and customs -- Certificate issued by Vadik Jankalyan Samiti (Regd.) in the absence of any indication as to the rites and customs that were performed and as to whether the requirements u/s 7 of the Act was complied with would not be a certificate evidencing a Hindu marriage in accordance with Section 7 of the Act.

(Para 17)

C. Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 (25 of 1955), Section 7, 8 – Registration of marriage -- Legitimacy to the marriage -- If there has been no marriage in accordance with Section 7, the registration would not confer legitimacy to the marriage -- A certificate of marriage is a proof of validity of Hindu marriage only when such a marriage has taken place and not in a case where there is no marriage ceremony performed at all.

(Para 19)

D. Hindu Law – Hindu marriage -- Hindu marriage is a sacrament and has a sacred character -- Saptapadi in a Hindu marriage, according to Rig Veda, after completing the seventh step (saptapadi) the bridegroom says to his bride, “With seven steps we have become friends (sakha) -- May I attain to friendship with thee; may I not be separated from thy friendship” -- A wife is considered to be half of oneself (ardhangini) but to be accepted with an identity of her own and to be a co-equal partner in the marriage -- There is nothing like a “better-half” in a marriage but the spouses are equal halves in a marriage -- In Hindu Law, marriage is a sacrament or a samskara -- It is the foundation for a new family.

(Para 20)

33. (P&H HC) 30-01-2024

A. HUF as proprietor -- Proprietorship is not governed by any statute, there is no bar on a Hindu Undivided Family becoming a proprietor.

(Para 15)

B. HUF -- One person cannot form a Hindu Undivided Family.

(Para 15)

C. Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 (39 of 1987), Section 22C -- Loan to Proprietorship/ HUF – Exemption from payment of foreclosure charges to individual – Applicability of -- Application for loan signed with stamp “Proprietor/HUF” -- In the PAN details of applicant/borrower, details of the sole proprietor alone have been mentioned -- Application for loan was submitted for and on behalf of the Individual borrowers/ sole proprietorship and not in any capacity as a Hindu Undivided Family -- Merely because the wife and son become “Co-applicants”, it would not automatically term the borrowing as one by Hindu Undivided Family, which is a separate entity for assessment and the Hindu Undivided Family never submitted an application -- Meaning of “/” has to be read as “either/or”, hence, the interpretation of the stamp has to be in the context in which the application had been submitted -- Foreclosure charges along with the processing charges charged by the respondent/ Finance Company directed to be refunded to the petitioner with interest @ 6% per annum.

(Para 15-24)

D. Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 (39 of 1987), Section 22C -- Permanent Lok Adalat -- Public Utility Services -- Authorised representative – Permissibility of -- There is no mandate in law that only the sole proprietor could have preferred an application before the Permanent Lok Adalat (Public Utility Services) and that he could not have authorised any other representative to pursue the application u/s 22-C of the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 -- No adverse inference can be drawn only on the strength that the proprietor has come before High Court whereas the application had been preferred before the Permanent Lok Adalat (Public Utility Services) through the authorised representative.

(Para 22)

38. (HP HC) 18-12-2023

A. Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 (25 of 1955), Section 13(1)(1a) – Cruelty – Divorce -- False allegation of extra-marital affair -- Appellant-wife made serious and scandalous allegations regarding adulterous life of her husband, learned court below rightly arrived at a conclusion that false allegation of adultery constitutes mental cruelty -- No scope to interfere with the Decree of Divorce granted by the learned Family Court in favour of the respondent-husband – Appeal dismissed.

(Para 26-29)

B. Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 (25 of 1955), Section 13(1)(1a) -- Cruelty – False allegation of extra-marital affair -- Leveling disgusting accusations of indecent familiarity with a person outside wedlock and allegations of extra marital relationship constitute grave assault on the character, honour, reputation, status of the spouse -- Definitely such aspersions amount to worst form of insult and cruelty, which itself is sufficient to substantiate cruelty in law.

(Para 26)

C. Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 (25 of 1955), Section 13(1)(1a) -- Cruelty -- Though word “cruelty” has not been defined in the Hindu Marriage Act, but it has been used in Section 13(1)(i-a) of the Act in the context of human conduct or behaviour in relation to or in respect of matrimonial duties or obligations -- It is a course of conduct of one which is adversely affecting the other -- Cruelty can be mental, physical, intentional or unintentional -- If it is physical, it is a question of fact and degree, but if it is mental, the inquiry must begin as to the nature of the cruel treatment and then as to the impact of such treatment on the mind of the spouse -- There may be cases where the conduct complained of itself is bad enough and per se unlawful or illegal – The absence of intention should not make any difference in the case, if any ordinary sense in human affairs, the act complained could otherwise be regarded as cruelty.

(Para 27)

D. Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 (25 of 1955), Section 13(1)(1a) -- Cruelty -- Intention is not a necessary element in cruelty -- Relief to the party cannot be denied on the ground that there has been no deliberate or willful ill-treatment.

(Para 27)

39. (P&H HC) 04-12-2023

A. Guardians and Wards Act, 1890 (8 of 1890), Section 25 -- Custody of child – Welfare of child -- What is 'welfare of the child' depends upon several factors -- It has to be measured not only in terms of money and physical comfort, but also in view of the age of the child and the manner, in which, 'needs' can be fulfilled, more particularly, moral and ethical aspects of the shaping of the minor's personality -- Legal right or the financial affluence is not decisive, but the welfare of the minor is decisive for the claim of the custody.

(Para 8)

B. Guardians and Wards Act, 1890 (8 of 1890), Section 25 -- Custody of child – Wish/ Desire/ Welfare of child -- It has to be borne in mind that the question ‘what is the wish/  desire of the child’ is different and distinct from the question ‘what would be in the best interest of the child’ --  Certainly, the wish/ desire of the child can be ascertained through interaction but then, the question as to ‘what would be in the best interest of the child’ is a matter to be decided by the Court, while taking into account, all the relevant circumstances.

(Para 9)

C. Guardians and Wards Act, 1890 (8 of 1890), Section 25 -- Custody of child – Welfare of child -- Unless and until, there is proven bad conduct of one of the parent, which makes him/ her unworthy to claim the custody of the child concerned, the question can and shall be decided, solely looking into the question as to, ‘what would be the best interest of the child concerned’.

(Para 9)

D. Guardians and Wards Act, 1890 (8 of 1890), Section 25 -- Custody of girl child – Visiting rights -- Aspect of age of the child weighs in the mind of the Court – Mother is qualified doctor, girl child being of 10-11 years is passing through the formative stage of life -- At this stage, the mother can be the best friend, guide and mentor for the growing daughter -- She is already residing with the mother and therefore, no further change in the arrangement, already existing, shall be beneficial to the child -- Girl child allowed to meet the petitioner, her father, twice a month.

(Para 10-16)