(P&H HC) 22-09-2020
A. Constitution of India, Article 226 – Banking default case -- One Time Settlement/ OTS – Extension of time – Writ jurisdiction -- One Time Settlement is not cloaked with such rigorous principles which may not permit extension of period to pay the remaining/balance settlement amount -- Extensions can be considered to be granted to deserving cases -- Held, Court in exercise of its jurisdiction under Article 226 of the Constitution of India would have the jurisdiction to extend the period of settlement as originally provided for, in the OTS letter.
(Para 22-24)
B. Constitution of India, Article 226 – Banking default case -- One Time Settlement/ OTS – Extension of time – Illustrative guidelines framed to be considered cumulatively or individually, on case to cases basis, some of them would be :-
i. The Original Time provided in the Settlement – the first and foremost aspect to be noticed would be the time period originally granted by the bank to pay off the settlement amount. If the time period originally stipulated in the settlement letter to pay off the settlement amount is short or is not excessive, the case for extension then could be considered. It is to be noticed that the borrower is to arrange funds to complete the OTS. If reasonable time period is not given, the very purpose of settlement would be defeated. In that eventuality application for extension can be considered so that the borrower gets a reasonable time to clear off the settlement amount and the ultimate purpose of settlement is achieved.
ii. Extent of payments already deposited under the settlement or before filing of the petition – While considering an application for extension of time under OTS, the prime objective to be noticed is the intention of the borrower to culminate the settlement. If the borrower has already paid substantial amounts, to the creditor under the OTS, and for some remaining amounts, is seeking a reasonable extension, such requests can be considered favourably. This shows, that the applicant had an intention to clear the settlement and the deposit of substantial amounts, is an indication in this regard.
iii. Reasons which led to delay in payment – It is important to notice, the reasons, which led to the delay on the part of the borrower. If the borrower was prevented by certain reasons or circumstances beyond his control it could be a reason to consider an application for extension favourably. It would be imperative for the borrower to show, that he made his best efforts to ensure that the requisite amounts, are arranged within the specified time, but inspite of all his best efforts, he could not arrange for the same.
iv. Payments having been accepted by the Bank / Financial Institution , after the stipulated date – If the bank or the Financial Institution has been accepting the payments from the borrower towards the settlement even after the stipulated period of time, it shows that the time was not the essence of contract. It would be apparent from such conduct of the parties, that certain amount of relaxation or flexibility in making the payment of OTS amount is reserved between the parties.
v. Bona fide Intent of the borrower to pay the remaining amounts under the settlement – In order to test the bonafide intention of such an applicant, it could be reasonably be tested while asking such an applicant to deposit some further amount, towards the balance amount before calling upon the bank to consider the issue of extension. If such amounts are deposited under the orders of Court and the bonafides are established, such an applicant would be entitled for a favourable consideration of an application for extension.
Caveat added, that if for any reason, the effort does not lead to extension of time, as prayed for by the petitioner, then the amounts deposited by the borrower/depositors under the interim orders of the Court, would have to be returned back by the creditor to the petitioner.
vi. Time period being demanded by the applicant to clear the remaining / balance settlement amount. – An applicant whose intention would be to clear the balance settlement amounts, would not claim for an unreasonable period of an extension, as otherwise, the intention would be to gain more time, without any actual intent to clear the settlement. In the facts and circumstances of each case, the Courts would therefore determine a reasonable period, to enable the borrower to clear the remaining settlement amount, subject ofcourse, to payment of reasonable interest for the delayed period, to balance the equities.
vii. Attending factors and circumstances– Attending factors and circumstances involved, while making an application for extension play an important role to identify eligible and deserving cases as also to determine the extent of extension to be granted. For example, the current situation where the entire country has been adversely effected on account of COVID-19 pandemic, the difficulties in arranging the amounts could be taken note of while determining the period of extension to be granted to an applicant. Further, accounts which have suffered losses and became NPA on account of having suffered natural calamities, unfortunate accidents, fire incidents, thefts, damage by floods , storms etc. and have come forward for an eventual settlement, can also be considered for extension of time.
viii. Irreparable loss and injury to the applicant – While examining an application for extension of settlement, it could also be seen to be noticed, the extent of an injury to be suffered by an applicant.
Guidelines/factors are not exhaustive but only illustrative for guidance of the parties and the courts while considering the prayer for extension of the time under by OTS by the borrower on case to case basis -- Courts would be free to consider the credentials of the borrower as well, being an equitable and discretionary relief.
(Para 25)
C. Constitution of India, Article 226 – Banking default case -- One Time Settlement/ OTS – Extension of time – Petitioner paid substantial portion of the same and is willing to pay the remaining with interest -- Current attending circumstances, of widespread of COVID-19 pandemic – Petitioners held entitled to extension of time for 6 months to repay the remaining settlement amount – Petitioners shall also pay interest @ 9% p.a. simple on the delayed payments on reducing balance payable w.e.f. 01.06.2019 i.e. the closing date of the settlement/OTS.
(Para 26-30)
D. Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (31 of 2016), Section 14(1)(a) -- Insolvency and Bankruptcy (Insolvency and Liquidation Proceedings of Financial Service Provider and Application to Adjudicating Authority) Rules, 2019, Rule 5 – Constitution of India, Article 226 -- One Time Settlement/ OTS – Extension of time – Maintainability of writ petition – Whether the present petition is maintainable in view of the proceedings pending before National Company Law Tribunal – Intent to restrict initiation or continuation of proceedings against a Corporate Debtor is to preserve its assets so that during Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (CIRP), the Corporate Debtor is subjected to remedial acts to improve its financial condition – Answered in AFFIRMATIVE and held that in the peculiar facts and circumstances of the present petition, the petition would be maintainable.
(Paras 13, 33-37)