(SC) 18-01-2023
Indian Penal Code, 1860 (45 of 1860), Section 420, 120B -- Rajasthan Public Examination (Prevention of Unfairness Means) Act, 1992 (27 of 1992), Section 4, 6 – Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974), Section 439 -- Regular bail -- Leakage of question paper and use of unfair means in Rajasthan Eligibility Examination for Teachers (REET) – Petitioner-Manager of the school was appointed as Assistant to the Co-ordinator of REET exam -- Petitioner had access to the question paper kept in strong room -- Petitioner was to receive a bribe of Rupees Five Crores, out of which a sum of Rs. 1,77,80,000/- recovered from various persons, some amount was allegedly recovered from the petitioner also -- Petitioner was arrested on 26th January, 2022 – First charge-sheet filed, further investigation is going on and there is likelihood of filing of supplementary charge-sheet(s) –
-- Most of the co-accused of the petitioner have been released on regular bail by the High Court and many of them have been granted pre-arrest bail.
-- The trial is yet to commence and there are nearly 200 witnesses to be examined.
-- The conclusion of trial will take considerably long period.
-- Two other case, one FIR stated to has been withdrawn and in the second FIR, a closure report was filed and which is yet to be accepted.
Taking into consideration the period spent by the petitioner in the custody and the fact that the conclusion of trial will take some time, but without expressing any views on the merits, petitioner ordered to be released on bail subject to conditions.
(Para 1-7)