Search By Topic: Appointment of Lambardar

67. (P&H HC) 05-03-2020

A. Punjab Land Revenue Act, 1887 (XVII of 1887), Section 13, 16 -- Appointment of Lambardar – Choice of District Collector – Interference in -- Unless the discretion exercised by the District Collector was demonstrated to be perverse and contrary to the any statutory provisions, the same could not be interfered with.

(Para 4)

B. Punjab Land Revenue Rules, Rule 15 -- Appointment of Lambardar -- FIR post appointment – Effect of -- FIR u/ss 307, 323, 447, 427, 148 and 149 read with Section 120-B IPC – Challan had not been presented by the police post investigation -- Thus, the said FIR was inconsequential, for, the eligibility -- Candidature was to be evaluated in the wake of the factors prevalent at the time of his appointment.

(Para 4)

C. Punjab Land Revenue Rules, Rule 15 -- Appointment of Lambardar -- Sarbrah Lambardar – Right of -- Just because the appellant served as such would not vest him with an indefeasible right to claim appointment as Lambardar -- For, at best it could only be a relevant factor to be taken into consideration while evaluating the suitability of the candidates -- It is only in an eventuality, where both the candidates are similarly placed, the factor that one of them has served as Sarbrah Lambardar would enure to his advantage and not otherwise.

(Para 4)

D. Punjab Land Revenue Rules, Rule 15 -- Appointment of Lambardar – Younger in age by 4 years -- Argument that being younger in age than appointed candidate, the appellant ought to have been preferred for appointment is erroneous.

(Para 4)

86. (P&H HC) 16-11-2016

A. Punjab Land Revenue Act, 1887 (XVII of 1887), Section 13, 16 -- Punjab Land Revenue Rules, Rule 15 – Appointment of Lambardar -- Collector relied upon factually incorrect and misleading statement made by respondent No.4 that he had the knowledge of the working of Lambardar without verifying the veracity thereof -- Similarly, District Collector committed another serious error of law, while ignoring a material fact that he had been doing the business of commission agent, being the sole proprietor of the firm -- Order of Collector appointing respondent no. 4 as Lambardar was suffering from patent illegality as well as perversity.

(Para 5, 6)

B. Punjab Land Revenue Rules, Rule 15 – Appointment of Lambardar –Candidature of businessman -- Availability in village -- Appointed candidate was doing the work of commission agent at Abohar, he shall not be available to the residents of the village, as and when his services would be required -- Availability of Lambardar to the residents of the village is one of the relevant factor.

(Para 8)

C. Punjab Land Revenue Act, 1887 (XVII of 1887), Section 13, 16 -- Punjab Land Revenue Rules, Rule 15 – Appointment of Lambardar –Choice of District Collector, in the matters of appointment of Lambardar, is not to be interfered with lightly -- However, it is equally true that this is not the absolute rule -- As and when any order passed by District Collector is found suffering from patent illegality and perversity, the higher revenue authorities would be well within their jurisdiction to upset such a patently illegal order.

(Para 13)

D. Punjab Land Revenue Act, 1887 (XVII of 1887), Section 13, 16 -- Punjab Land Revenue Rules, Rule 15 – Appointment of Lambardar –Petitioner was younger in age by 10 years, better educated and was having 22 acres of land, whereas respondent No.4 was having 6 acres of land -- In addition to the above, petitioner was having working experience to his credit and as a matter of fact performed the duties of Lambardar, without there being any complaint from any quarters -- Although petitioner would not be entitled for any hereditary claim yet his working experience on the post of Lambardar goes to his credit -- Petitioner was having a clear edge on respondent No.4, the District Collector is directed to appoint the petitioner as Lambardar.

(Para 15-18)